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Bairnsdale Campus

Newsletter | Week 8 | Term 1 | 2024

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March 22, 2024 | Michele Wakeham

Principal's news

Embracing Renewal and Community Awareness this Easter Season

As we approach the Easter season, a time synonymous with renewal and rebirth, it is fitting to reflect on the changes and growth within our School Community. I am delighted to acknowledge that, this week, we have had Belle Deacon start with us as the Director of People and Culture. Our now-complete Leadership team is certainly a group dedicated to fostering a thriving School committed to the welfare and education of our students.

With this new Leadership comes an opportunity for us all to celebrate our past and our future and embrace a broad perspective, one that extends beyond individual considerations to encompass the interconnected systems that shape our community. System awareness refers to understanding the various systems, structures and relationships that influence our lives, from the local community to the global society. It involves recognising how our actions and decisions impact these systems and how they, in turn, affect us.

This Easter, we reflect not only on personal renewal but also on how we can collectively contribute to the wellbeing and progress of our School and our Community. By understanding the complexities of our system and our world, we can make more informed choices that benefit not just ourselves but also our community and the environment.

‘Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.’
- Mahatma Gandhi

Our hope is to continue to bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity. Together, we will work to ensure that every student receives the support and resources they need to thrive academically, emotionally and socially.

As we celebrate Easter, let us also consider how we can contribute to the greater good. Whether it's volunteering in our local community, advocating for positive change, or simply reaching out to those in need, there are countless ways we can make a difference. Embracing systems awareness can direct our actions and enhance their impact on the world around us. Together, we can continue to create an exciting and inclusive future for our school.

Wishing you and your families a joyful and rejuvenating Easter season

Michele Wakeham


March 22, 2024 | Virginia Evans

Bairnsdale Campus news

There is much to write about as schools are always a hive of activity. In writing to you now in Week 8, I will focus on the events that have recently taken place and how they have allowed us to continue our theme of ‘creating connections’.

Centenary Fellowship
At Melaleuca’s recent Fellowship, we celebrated our School Centenary and Old Scholar Mrs Marie Potter, aged 93, was our guest speaker. She connected beautifully with our students, describing her time at school, and we understood that while some things have changed dramatically, friendships, as they are today, are integral to school life. The students, staff and Mrs Potter were all delighted to be presented with a Centenary Badge to mark this special milestone.

100 reasons we choose Gippsland Grammar
Continuing the theme of 100, our campus took on the task of listing 100 reasons we choose Gippsland Grammar. We asked students, staff, parents, Old Scholars and community members to contribute to our list from their perspective. 100 reasons were easily achieved, and what was most evident was many of them implied connectedness. To mention a few: community, belonging, friendship, outdoor education, environment, teamwork, faith, giving garden, Fellowships, buddy program, camps, GreenTeam, Service Learning Team and inclusiveness. At Gippsland Grammar, we strive for that positive feeling when connected.

Open Day
Our campus held our Open Day on Saturday and we were pleased to have 16 students support us as we showcased our school with pride and enthusiasm. As current Bairnsdale students and past Bairnsdale students who have moved on to the Garnsey Campus, the students were able to reflect on their opportunities and share their experiences with visiting families. Giving up their Saturday morning for school and communicating with others is a fine example of leadership. I received an email complimenting our students for their approach when touring our families. Thank you, and congratulations to the students.

Regional Swimming
On Thursday March 14, nine students represented our Campus at the Regional Swimming Carnival. All students put in their best effort and should be proud of themselves. A special mention to Juliette Khoo, who placed 2nd in her breaststroke event. The nine students that swam were Juliette Khoo, Logan Dick, Simon Lynch, Dyson Cooper, Alexander Collins, Casper Saik, Sam Snow, Spencer Pearce and Noah Gate. We thank them for their school spirit and determination on the day.

Gallery visit: Annemieke Mein Exhibition
The Year 3-6 Bairnsdale Campus students travelled to the Gippsland Art Gallery in Sale to visit the exhibition Annemieke Mein: A Life’s Work - A Retrospective. The students took a guided tour of the exhibition and participated in workshops. The Year 3 and 4 classes learned a simplified Batik dyeing technique, creating beautiful patterned fabric. The Year 5 and 6 students explored Annemieke’s early patchwork pieces and created their own simplistic fabric collages using heat from an iron, fusing mesh to keep them in one piece. We thank our Art Teacher, Ms Liz McConchie for arranging this enriching opportunity for our students.

‘At the Annemieke Mein art exhibition we looked at her whole life’s work from 1960’s till now! She is a textile artist which means she uses stitches, fabric, stuffing, recycled (donated) materials and tags even. She started art when she was eleven years old and hid it in her maths book since her father was very strict. When we were at the exhibition we saw her work and how it’s changed since she started, her choice of materials and finding her passion for what art she enjoys more. We even saw her first sewing machine to her latest. It was incredible, she has an amazing talent.’
- Lilah Fraser, Year 5 Melaleuca

Our Soiree at St. John’s Anglican church on Thursday night was a wonderful success. Hosted by Blake Maxwell and Simon Lynch, we were entertained beautifully by our students, who had diligently practised their music, allowing them to perform confidently. Mrs Cara Schaefer and her team are committed to our students. We are most grateful for their expertise and support.

Wishing you well for the weekend ahead and the upcoming Easter break.

Virginia Evans

Head of Bairnsdale Campus

March 22, 2024 | Michele Wakeham

Giving Week

THE Gippsland Grammar Foundation will host a ‘Giving Week’ early in Term 2 to raise funds for the School’s Building Fund. 

A current focus for the Building Fund is the new St Anne’s early years zone, which includes the campus’s ELC and Foundation classrooms as well as and other building improvements at our Bairnsdale and Garnsey campuses.

In recent years the Foundation has contributed $650,000 to Garnsey’s Art & Design Centre and significant funds to St Anne’s Years 3/4 Learning Centre known as ‘Kukun Kalak’, Garnsey’s Laurie Payne Sports Centre and updates to Blackwood House.

Donations for the 2024 Giving Week can be made in Week 2 of Term 2, which coincides with our Grandparents’ Day events.

More information will be shared with families in coming weeks.

Michele Wakeham


March 22, 2024 | Michele Wakeham

Catch Me If You Can

Rehearsals are in full swing for ‘Catch Me If you Can’, the Garnsey production on stage in the Garnsey Hall for four shows from April 18-20 (Week 1 of next term). Book here:

Michele Wakeham


March 22, 2024 | Michele Wakeham

Centenary celebrations

Since our last newsletter we launched our Centenary celebrations over three days in February with more than 400 people attended four amazing events that included a gala hosted by the Gippsland Grammar Foundation, the launch of two books, a Centenary Eucharist and a reunion BBQ for the former students of Gippsland Grammar School.

Mrs Wakeham said the weekend was an incredible success that brought together Old Scholars with current students and families.

“It was amazing to see so many people with so many fond memories of their time at our school return for our celebrations,” Mrs Wakeham said. “Each of our events had its own distinct feel and was attended by a slightly different cohort of our Old Scholars and current families. My favourite part was watching old friends reconnect and listening to them reminisce. We can’t wait to continue celebrating with everyone throughout the year.”

Centenary merchandise:

- Next week is the last week families can purchase our special edition Centenary wine. Purchase here:
- Our two Centenary books Memories, stories from 100 years of Gippsland Grammar by Ann Andrew ($65) and the companion children’s book Wheelbarrow’s Birthday ($25) and now also available for sale. Purchase here:

Michele Wakeham
